Why I started this blog

I was recently asked to help lead a new Mom's group at my church. In an effort to encourage other moms to join our group, we, as team leaders, decided to give "testimonials" about our lives as mom's. We were to share our testimonial at a "ladies luncheon" to which all the women of the church had been invited. I was scared. My face flushes with embarrassment just thinking about speaking in public. But I resolved to do it. And I knew immediately what story I should share. But again, I was afraid. The story I knew I should share was a difficult story for me to tell, and I wasn't sure I could share it without becoming too emotional. I didn't want to cry in front of a bunch of strangers! (Although that would've been a great testimony for my need of a mom's support group!)

So I debated for a couple of days. What story should I share? The fear got to me, and I decided to share a comical story about my son...one that wouldn't make me cry. I stood up in front of the group of women at that Saturday luncheon and shared my funny little story. But it wasn't my REAL story. It wasn't the story I was supposed to share. And I felt I had let myself down. Overcoming fear, I've discovered, seems to be one of my greatest challenges.

So in a small effort to overcome my fear, I decided to create this blog and share my REAL story--my story about raising a child with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). I'm a much better writer than speaker anyway, and maybe this blog will allow me to gain the confidence to share my story verbally some day. In any case, I hope to connect with others whose lives have been touched by CF. I've discovered that hope can often be found in simply knowing you're not alone.



  1. Hi Andi..I work with your mom and she shared your blog with me. As a mother myself, I truly enjoy reading about others and their experiences. I look forward to your future writings...You have a true gift!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You know, I wrote a comment and ,somehow, did not post it! I flaked out, I guess?!

    Anyway, you are amazing just because you tried! You certainly did not fail! You just guarded your heart, from what you were not able to handle at that moment. It happens to all of us.

    I am glad you started a blog! I will be reading faithfully and waiting for the moment you are ready to tell your "real" story!

  4. I just got word that there is a Jim K. blog out there! I had to come back here to see if I could find him?!

  5. Jim's Blog:


  6. I also have child with CF. My daughter is 5 with CF. It is hard to tell a group of people about such a big aspect of your life. I would love to hear your story in blog form. Every time I tell my story even just one on one I feel better at it.

    How is your son doing with cf?
    What are his major symptoms?

  7. Wow, Andi this is great, didn't know what you were blogging about, but now I do! It will be so helpful for you to share your valuable experiences with others and it will be so helpful to you to get it all out. I look forward to following you...


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